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Export product details with image in XLS or XlSX


HibaJan. 11, 2019

This is very common need that we need the product details in xls with product image. Hence we developed a module, which exports selected products or product category items with product image and all other details.

The main features of this module are listed below.

⦁ Helps to export selected products with the image in excel format.
⦁ Helps to export products with the image in excel format based on product category.

1. Export selected product with the image in excel format.

⦁ Go to product variants and select the products you want. Then click on ‘Export Products’ from Action.

Product selection

⦁ Then a wizard will open and by default Based on is set as ‘Selected Products’.
⦁ Click on ‘Export’ Button.
Export product


2- Export products with the image in excel format based on product category.

⦁ Goto product variants and select all products. Then click on ‘export Products’ from Action.

Export products with image in excel format

⦁ Then a wizard will open and set based on as ‘Product category’. Then a new field will appear and from there set Based on as Product Category.
⦁ By clicking ‘Export button’ excel report will generate, that containing only products that belong to the selected category.

wizard opens and set based on as Product category

excel report generation

Hope you are in search of this feature export product image in xls or xlsx.
