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Unsplash Image Library in Odoo 13

Unsplash Image Library

ajay krishnaApril 19, 2020

Unsplash Image Library in Odoo 13

In Unsplash Image Library in Odoo 13 we can use an external image library for our website. Unsplash, is a website dedicated to sharing stock photography under the Unsplash license.Thus, the permissive copyright terms on its photos has led to Unsplash becoming one of the largest photography suppliers on the internet, with its member's photos frequently appearing on articles. Moreover,using this we can get different category images for our website designing.



Unsplash Image Library in Odoo 13

Activate the Unsplash Image Library option and click the

Generate an Access Key-> to generate the api key.We can use this feature by creating a unsplash account.

Unsplash Image Library in Odoo 13

Enter the details and click Join->

Go to Unsplash Developers->Your apps->

Select the New Application-> option.

Unsplash Image Library in Odoo 13

Activate the all options and Accept terms->

Unsplash Image Library in Odoo 13


Enter the Name and Description of the application then click,

Create application->

Unsplash Image Library in Odoo 13

We can see the six digit application ID in the URL and Access key in the window.Copy that key and go back to our Odoo 13 settings window.

Unsplash Image Library in Odoo 13

Paste the Access key and click Save-> then,

Open the website

Select Edit-> to change the picture.

Select the Background-> option.

Click the Search Option and Select Search from unsplash for:->

Copy paste the Access key and Application ID then click Apply->

Then we can search for our needs.We can brows any category.Select the image and click Add->

Unsplash Image Library in Odoo 13

By this method we can change our website image.

Here,photos which are posted in Unsplash is for free and no need to pay to the photographer.So you can get and use it for Commercial or non commercial purpose.The Unsplash Image Library is used to get  high quality photos and can be used for the purpose of what you want.As a Best Odoo ERP Service Provider and Implementation Partner we provides unsplash images to our clients and people who need it.It is for free and not getting any money.

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