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Moodle Installation


Abhishek M.SNov. 10, 2016

Moodle stands for acronym for modular object-oriented dynamic learning environment which allows for extending and tailoring learning environments using community sourced plugins. It is an online educational platform that gives custom learning environments for students. Educators can use this to make exercises for students, manage courses, and interact with students and teachers and students can use this learning management system to submit assignments, review the class calendar,Students can communicate with their classmates and take tests. It is very easy to install Moodle LMS platform.

Following are the steps to install Moodle. I have tried with version 3.1.2.

Step 1: First, download the latest stable Moodle installation package from:

Step 2: Extract into our server folder. In windows with wamp server, C:\wamp\www\. In linux distribution, /var/www/

Step3: Go to web browser and enter the path of our  moodle folder example:                              (http://localhost/moodle/install.php)

Step 4: Setup the installation process, set admin username & password.


set admin username & password for moodle installation


Step 5: After completing the setup configuration, you can access your moodle site by entering the path of moodle in  your browser.

Step 6: Login with your username and password.


After the moodle installation, login


By using these above mentioned six simple steps, the moodle installation can be possibile.


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