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Google Maps in Odoo 13

Google Maps in Odoo 13

ajay krishnaApril 11, 2020

In Odoo 13 the customer can view the location of our company by Google Map view.By this feature the customer can easily  locate our company.The Google maps can access to know the place where we need to reach.There are only some which provides it.When there a way to make it simple with Google Map in Odoo 13  then there is no issues and complications.


      We can add this feature to our website by installing the Google Maps app in  Odoo 13

     Apps->Google Maps->

                  After installation is completed go to the website.

We can see a Contact us-> button in the footer. Click on that button to see the Contact page.

Google Maps in Odoo 13


Here we can see the address of our company on the right side of the page and also have a button Google Maps-> click on the button for the map view.


Google Maps in Odoo 13


After clicking the button a new Google Map window will appear .We can see the company’s exact location only if the address is correct.

As a Best Odoo Service provider and Implementation Partner we make sure that our place should be easily understand and reach us to discuss business.So with an immediate effect we introduced this feature as the part . Google Maps introduce to view proper place with no complication of anything . When a person want to travel to a company to discuss a business he can be able access the place without any complications . So that people are looking for an Expert Odoo Service Provider to implement the Odoo in their system.

The Google Maps are sometimes complicate with proper ways to  reach a place .But with the introduction of new feature of Odoo 13 and maintain the proper way to tackle the  problem.

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