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Email based self registration in moodle


Abhishek M.SNov. 25, 2016

Email-based self-registration is one of the user registration method you can use in Moodle. So here is the description of  how to enable email based self registration in Moodle:

Step 1: Login into Moodle.

Step 2: Enable "Email-based self-registration" in Moodle. Then go to Site Administration-> Plugins-> Authentication-> Manage authentication.

enable email based self registration


Step 3: SMTP settings:
Site Administration-> Plugins-> Message outputs > Email.

SMTP hosts :
SMTP security : SSL
SMTP username :
SMTP password : *********

SMTP settings for Email based self registration in moodle


Step 4: Finally Save.

Hence these are the steps to enable email based self registration in Moodle.

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