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Online Event Ticketing


Sahdiya MammoottyNov. 30, 2019

Online Event Ticket In Odoo

Odoo Online event ticket is available under website builder. So we have to go through the website builder to get online event ticketing features in Odoo. As an ERP software, Odoo comes up with a simple event management system, which helps to plan, manage and execute the events properly and efficiently. Odoo is the best platform to sell event tickets online. It is easy to manage online event ticket, online registration and management software in odoo.

Furthermore, the Odoo event management module is an application under project management. Here, we can also sell events tickets online and promote our events very easily. Odoo websites using Odoo Multi Website Event Extension Module allows the admin to create and publish event scheduler on your multiple Odoo websites.

To enable event management features we have to trigger event management apps from apps list.

event management

Further, if it is an online event we have to plugin extra module called online event.

online event

Here we can manage online event tickets for attendees..

Online event ticketing

For online event ticketing in odoo, first we have to create an event and add details.

Events > Events > Create. The events create can be view in the dashboard, helping the end user to keep the records of events.


Then, If you want to publish event online just click publish on website.

For online ticket selling, we have to enable some properties in the event settings.

Go to Events>Configuration>Settings>Registration:

Then, enable the features Tickets and Online Ticketing to sell events tickets online .

After enabling online ticketing we can sell tickets online, if it is only enabled tickets, we can sell tickets without payment While we go to website through published on website those tickets are available in online website.


While registering event seat via tickets, paid seats get a bills in PDF format.

Confirming event location

 confirm the event location-online event ticket

Bill payment structure

Bill payment structure-online event ticket

Also we can also download bill in PDF format.

download bill in pdf format-online event ticket

I think you understood how the Odoo online event ticket processing.

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