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Odoo 13 Shortcut Option

Odoo 13 Shortcut Option

ajay krishnaJan. 18, 2020

Odoo 13 supports Shortcut Option, so we can easily do some actions with the help of shortcut keys.


  • Easy to work
  • Time saving

Open the Sales->Quotation-> window.


We can use some shortcut keys in it.

Click Alt-> key in keyboard to see the shortcut keys.

Shortcut keys in Odoo 13 Shortcut Option

Then shortcut keys are present on the options.


  • C : Create Alt+C ->
  • I : Export all Alt+I->
  • X : Download Alt+X ->
  • 1 : Orders Alt+1 ->
  • 2 : To Invoice Alt+2 ->
  • 3 : Products Alt+3 ->
  • 4 : Reporting Alt+4 ->
  • 5 : Configurations Alt+5 ->
  • etc

If we want to Create a new quotation then click,

Alt+C ->

Then, the creation window will present on the screen.

Creation window in Odoo 13 Shortcut option

We can use shortcuts on any window in odoo by clicking Alt-> key in keyboard, then we can see the shortcut keys.

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