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Odoo 13 eCommerce Coupons and Promotions

Odoo 13 eCommerce Coupons and Promotions

ajay krishnaApril 21, 2020

In Odoo 13 we can easily apply coupons and promotions to our products or to valuable customers. In order to keep customers, come back to your store and remain loyal to your business, implementing these kinds of business tricks is very much necessary. This why Odoo developed a new module “Coupons and Promotions for eCommerce”. In this module we can easily create the coupons or promotions. In this blog we will discuss in detail about Odoo13 Coupons and Promotions.

An odoo implementation company in USA

Odoo13 Coupons And Promotions Installation

Apps->Coupons & Promotions for eCommerce->

Install coupons and promotions in Odoo 13 eCommerce


After installation select Website->Configuration->Settings->

To activate coupons and promotions

Activate the Coupons & Promotions in Pricing and then go to, Promotion Programs->.

promotion programs

We can see some promotions that has already created in this window.

Create-> to create a new promotion.

promotion programs_new

Enter details :

  • Name
  • Conditions
  • Promotion Code
  • Validity
  • Apply Discounts

Here we applied this promotion for all products and for all customers. And then click Save-> go to Website->.


Select the Shop-> button.


Select any product to buy.


Enter the quantity and select Buy Now-> button.

Odoo13 Coupons and promotions confirm order

Enter the promotion code (happy20) on the Promotion code space and click Apply->.

Odoo13 Coupons and promotions discount order

Now we can see the price changes from $3059.14 to $2447.31 and the window contain the 20% discount promotion.

Click Pay Now->.

Odoo13 Coupons and promotions payment information

Then we can pay to the displayed account. We can apply Coupons also by this same procedure.

We hope, this blog help you in understanding about Odoo13 eCommerce Coupons and Promotions.


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