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Odoo 11 POS Price List


ajay krishnaNov. 9, 2019


Price List, often called Catalog Price, is the full price that an item is advertised at without taking into account any discounts or special offers. In other words, this is the amount of money the business is willing to sell their products for. Price lists are very useful in situations where we need to set a specific price for a set of customers for some particular products or complete products. Let's look how Odoo11 POS Price List is useful to us :

How To Create POS Price List In Odoo

In Odoo 11 we need to install the app Point of sale to create Price list.

To install :
Apps->Point of sale->

Install App POS


We can create pricelists by clicking:

Menu->Point of Sale->Catalog->Pricelists->

To create Odoo POS pricelist


We can see some pricelists that has already created.

Click the Create-> button

Then you can see a window like this to enter details:

Odoo POS pricelist


Enter details and then click the Add an item-> to add products then you can see a new window like this:

pricelist add products


Enter the details:

  • Product(type, category, variant, global)-enter any one
    then we can see a input to select the product.
  • Select the product and enter the Minimum quantity.
  • Start Date
  • End Date

After that we can see a space to add the Price computation in that, we can add our product’s price is fixed or have any discount.

Then Click Save&Close->

Go back to our old window.

We can save our Pricelist by clicking Save-> button.

Save price list


We can see our new Pricelist in Catalog->Pricelists->

New Odoo POS price list

So, we hope the blog was convenient enough in understanding about Odoo11 POS Price List.

Odoo POS pricelist subscibe

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