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What is OdooBot in Odoo 12 ?

what is in odoo  12

Arunima PJune 2, 2019


In Odoo 12, Admin is a regular user with UID 2, and not a superuser. Odoo 12 have a superuser which have all security, but it doesn’t have a login. That superuser with UID 1 is known as ‘Odoobot’. That is user 1 is the technical admin user and user 2 is human admin user. This blog explains about what is OdooBot in Odoo 12 with detailed explanation.

Become a superuser

Login as Admin , then activate developer mode.

Login as Admin

You can see ‘Become superuser’ option in developer icon.

superuser option in developer icon

When you enable superuser ,current user become ‘Odoobot’ and upper right area changes to yellow and black stripes.

When you enable superuser ,current user is become ‘Odoobot

Login as superuser

Use /web/login?debug URL, have a "Login as superuser" option below the login button.Click on it.

Login as superuser

Then you can start the session with UID 1, as "OdooBot".

(NB:-If you login a fresh database, it shown as ‘system’ instead of ‘Odoobot’. When you install any one of app,it will shown as ‘Odoobot’.)

You can also chat with Odoobot like any other user.

chat with Odoobot like any other user

Hope you understood the OdooBot concept in Odoo 12.

Odoo canada

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