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Two level discounts in Sales & Invoice - Odoo


Technaureus Info Solutions Pvt. Ltd.Nov. 18, 2016

A sales discount, generally known as only a 'discount' gives clients of a business with a decreased rate on one or more of the products or services being advertised. There will be two discount fields in sales order line and invoice line in which the first discount field is applied to the unit price, then the second discount field will apply to the discounted unit price. Technaureus Info Solutions, a software company in Calicut, Kerala developed an app which helps to give you two level Sales & Invoice discount in Odoo.


Sale order line form


In the above example, discount I and II is 8 + 2. This is not 10 but it is 8% discount then 2% discount after that. Let's say unit price is 100, so after first discount with 8% will become 92. Then 2% discounts from the first discounted unit price of 92. Which is 1.84 here. So final unit price become 90.16 .

The same in invoices also. This two level discounts will be mapped to customer invoice when we generate invoice from sales order.

To get this feature, You have to enable in sales settings. Sale -> Settings -> Allow discounts on sale order line.


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