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Tips For Increasing Audience Engagement


Abhishek M.SApril 19, 2019

Increasing Audience Engagement

Have you ever wondered why audience engagement is important in digital marketing. For many event managers, audience engagement is the number one goal. By engaging audience we turn our visitors into customers. Audience engagement is how people are being involved with your content. It is a best way for marketing any business. Engaging audience is a key to bring them back to you. By engaging user you make them feel satisfied with what you were produced. In order to make your audience engaged you have to give them the content that satisfy them. Improving audience engagement is important because an engaged user will return more often to your page and can bring other users to there. It will lead to the growth of your business.

audience engagement



Audience engagement matters for a successful growth of a business. For example if you are creating a blog, an engaged user will share, comment and like your post. It matters your blog a lot. Like that in a business an engaged audience means a lot. Providing good service is not enough. Caring and respecting your audience is as important as providing good service. So in order to show your audience that you respect and trust them is through audience engagement.

By engaging with your audience you can get to know them. An intelligent conversation is the best way to engage with the audience. It is a best opportunity to get to know what they need from you. High audience engagement shows that people are enjoying with the stuff you have given and so they decided to spent some more time on it. This will improve the search engine ranking of our content.



As we ever say first impression is the best impression,it is important to impress the audience. Using attractive designs to our website is the best way to get the first impression. So design your website that provide maximum engagement to the audience. Not only the design should be attractive ,it should also be user friendly. Today most of the customers are mobile visitors. So our design must be mobile friendly. Or else we will lose a large amount of audience. So it is important to build a user friendly design to increase audience engagement.


The person who manages the audience for the company should have patience, humour sense and  polite behaviour..That can definitely increase audience presence.


Photos and videos can convey a message far better than a text can do. It can catch audience attention over plain text. Using photos and videos can stick audience more on the website rather than a plain text can do. Reading text only makes the audience bored and it tend them to leave the site. So to make the audience engaged we have to use more photos and videos in our site.


Always know what they are looking for ,and provide what they need. How stronger the content you               offer, the more likely they stick on your site. You need to give something different in order to engage             them. Using informative headlines will navigate the audience to proper page, which tend them to be             on page. It is also important to provide digestible content. The content should be good,easy to read             and understandable. By providing better reading experience we can engage the audience.


Starting a conversation with your audience is the best way to increase audience engagement. It is the  better opportunity to learn your customer. By starting a intelligent conversation you will get to  know what the audience expecting from you. It will also build a trust among them,which helps to improve audience engagement. Always responds to the comments getting from audience. Comments  indicate that someone is trying to engaging. So don’t lose the opportunity to engaging the audience.


It is important to pay attention to the analytic. In order  to increase the audience role it is important to analysis what isn’t working. It include:

1. Average time spent on page

How long they are spent time on your page indicate that how much they are engaged. If someone leaves your page with out being engaged ,it shows the drawback of our page.

2. Bounce Rate

It is the rate at which visitors leaves your page. A low bounce rate indicate a higher audience engagement. So to improve audience engagement the bounce rate should be low.

3. Analysis the pages visited

By analyzing the no of pages a user visited we can understand how long would be the engagement.

If you reach into the audience successfully, keeping audience engagement is not a big matter of concern

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