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Survey Management In Odoo

Survey Management In Odoo

IjasAug. 5, 2019

Odoo Survey Management

Survey helps you to keep in touch with your customers. The feedback from the clients are very important for maintaining the business in a very good way. Odoo provides a module named as survey for achieving this. In this blog we are going to explain how to manage surveys in odoo. So let’s begin.

First thing is to install Survey module from apps.

Surveys -> Click on “Create” button.

Here we can give a name to our survey and we can add pages by clicking on the Add an Item button.

Creation of survey

Here i am going to make a page named as product and services , We can add questions by clicking add an item.

Make a page named as product and services

While making your survey questions, always keep in mind that nobody want to waste their time on answering lengthy and useless questions. So try to keep your questions simple and to the point

Making your survey questions

Here we will get different options like

•    Multiple Lines Text Box:

This type of questions takes multiple lines of answer from the customer. We can make it as a mandatory question by ticking the check box in the options.

Odoo survey question and answer form

•    Single Line Text Box:

This type of questions only takes a single line answer from the customer.Its almost similar to the multiple line text box.

•    Numerical Value:

In this type only numbers are allowed as answer.

Odoo survey qustion

•    Date:

This type of question  only takes dates as their answer.

•    Multiple choices: only one answer :

It's like a radio button with only one answer is allowed.

yes or no question

•    Multiple choices: multiple answers allowed:

Same as the radio button, but we can select more than one answer.

survey optional answers

•    Matrix:

The following screenshot is an example of matrix. In this mode there is options for selecting the number of rows.

example of matrix

After creating and saving all the questions that we need to ask to the customer, we can test our survey to calculate its duration and other factors, For testing our survey just click on the Test Survey button on the top.

 test our survey

Odoo survey website form

Then our survey page will opens.

Survey list in website

After completing the survey successfully a screen will pop up like this where we can review our answers.

Odoo survey answer notification

As an administrator you can also go to the back end and view the answers, so here the odoo provides the statistical and graphical details of the survey. For viewing it just go to surveys and  click on the three lines at the rightmost top corner.

Odoo survey kanbian view

Then the list of surveys will be provided, select the survey which you need to view the results.

Odoo survey lists

After selecting, it click on the view result button.

List of survey

Then we can see all the graphical and statistical results of the survey.

survey reports

It is important to keep your customer with your business and make them a feel, how you take care of your customers. Survey Management in Odoo is an awesome module to manage the customer's feedback. Staying in touch with your customers after they've purchased your product/service is really significant in retention of business or in order to make sure that they come back to you in the future.This blog covers information in general about  ‘Survey Management in Odoo ’.


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