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Sub-Tasks in Odoo 13 Projects

Sub tasks in Odoo

Anjali AjithMay 31, 2020

A project is a combination of many small tasks which will be allotted to various people in that project team. In Odoo, there is a Project module, on installing provides a lot of features for project assistance, especially for planning and allocating tasks. However, sometimes certain tasks may be comprise of another sets of tasks. Odoo project module covers this facility named as sub tasks. The blog discuss in detail on Sub-tasks in Odoo 13 projects.

In this project module:

  • You can create boards that define each stage of your project.
  • Can create tasks, assign the tasks to specific employees.
  • You can also create task within tasks and assign it to different employees. This feature is call Sub Tasks.
  • Even you can make one project with the task of another using sub-task project. One can enable this from the settings of the project module.
  • Analyze the task progress in various projects using reports.

To use the sub tasks feature one need to enable it from

Configuration -->Settings --> Sub-tasks

sub tasks

Creating Sub-tasks in Odoo 13 Projects

Here to illustrate this, I have created a project named Sample Project. I have also created a number of tasks in 3 boards namely new,  progressing and completed.

Given below is an image of what I have done so far.

project pipeline

  • You can create new tasks in each board by clicking on the “+” near to each board.
  • You can also assign the employee for each task from there itself.

Create new sub task

Click on a task and hit Edit. You will be able to see the number of sub tasks assigned to that task.

Sub-tasks in Odoo 13 Projects

Click on Sub-Tasks to add any. Then hit on Create.

Sub-tasks in Odoo 13 Projects

Note the name of the sub-task that appears. This is because task 2 is the parent task here, only sub task 1 is the user given name.

You can assign the sub tasks to different employees. After creating enough sub tasks you will be able to see the no of sub tasks for each tasks like this.

Sub-tasks in Odoo 13 Projects

Creating Sub-tasks Projects

  • ­It is a project in which the sub tasks of current project will be form.
  • It can current project itself .

From the project over view, click on the dots highlighted and hit edit.

Sub-tasks in Odoo 13 Projects


The same window can be reached from :

Configuration --> Projects --> Sample project

Sub-tasks in Odoo 13 Projects

However, by default it will be like this. You can give any other project as sub task project from here.


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