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Payments in Invoicing In Odoo 12

Payments in Invoicing In Odoo 12

Anjali AjithMarch 15, 2020

As you all know Odoo comprises of lots and lots of apps for various purposes like sale management, eCommerce, website, inventory etc... they only need to install to use it. Also integration of data is the main thing that Odoo holds. In Odoo you can create a payment by either directly going to the Payment tab under invoicing. Otherwise it can be done using the action to occur naturally as a part of the selling or buying procedure. Seller or buyer can can pay. In this blog we discuss in detail about the Odoo 12 Payments in Invoicing.

Setup For Odoo 12 Payments In Invoicing

Considering the payment of the customer :

Go to Invoicing -->Customers --> Payments--> Create

Create payment in invoicing

Note that, there are 2 types of partner Customer and vendor.

When you select customer as partner type then the payment type will automatically set to Receive Money and vice versa.

 Set partner type as customer

Fill enough fills for the payment and then confirm.

Odoo 12 fill payment

Create a quotation and invoice it. You can refer to our previous blogs about creating a quotation.

Odoo 12 create quotation

Click on the invoice and hit Validate for confirmation. Hit on the Register Payment for proceeding.

Odoo 12 register payment

Payment Journal Selection

Select between Bank or Cash in the Payment Journal and fill other details.

Payment Journal selection in Odoo 12 payments in invoicing.

Enter Validate to confirm the payment.

Invoice status in Odoo 12 payments in invoicing

You can see the status of the invoice has been changed to Paid .

Now consider the payments of the vendor. For that go to Invoicing -->Vendors--> Payments

Odoo 12 Vendor payment

Add the Vendor details such as payment type, partner amount, journal etc .

Click on the Validate button to confirm the payment.

vendor payment details in Odoo 12 payments in invoicing

You can also create a payment by creating a bill for the purchase orders .

Create a RFQ and confirm the order. Click on the Receive Products and then Validate to Create Bill.

Odoo 12 invoicing create bill

After creating a bill, now go to either ways as mentioned earlier.

  1. Purchase --> Purchase Orders--> Register Payments
  2. Invoicing -->Vendors--> Payments--> Register Payments

All process after this is same as we done earlier in vendor payments.

We hope, this blog gave you a good understanding about the Odoo 12 Payments in Invoicing.


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