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Sarin RajJune 23, 2019

About Owncloud Software

DIY cloud storage is server-client open source or paid software to setup and maintain your own cloud storage. Most of the DIY cloud storage tools have web interfaces so we can access these with a web browser that we do not need to install client software on our system. Owncloud Software is one of most DIY cloud storage.

Own cloud Software is an open source file hosting service which has functionally similarities with drop box. But own cloud not offer data center capacity to host stored files like drop box. It provide a private cloud so you have more control over your cloud and you can keep your privacy. It first developed in 2010 and in 2016 the development of owncloud was split and main developers forked the source code to create a new product called Nextcloud. We can access and store our files through a web interface, it available on windows, ,mac os and linux. Also available on Android and ios mobile clients. File syncing, sharing, collaborative editing, and full-text search are some of the features of own cloud Software.

Own cloud offer higher security for share files and folders which include Password-protected links, Link expiration and Mobile share notifications and also there are more than 70 apps in owncloud app library. Delta sync is one of the interesting feature of owncloud which reduces time when transferring files that have already been uploaded. Owncloud Software scans the upload files using ClamAV to find infected files also it detect viruses, malware, trojans and other threat.

Some of the uses of owncloud Software are:

1 A scalable owncloud pi cluster

2 Keep your passwords synced

3 Stores your file where you want

4 Get file uploaded

5 Get free secure storage

6 share your files and stay in control

We can connect own cloud with external cloud storage's like FTP, S3, Dropbox and etc. , it encrypt our data and make sure no other than you has access. With master key Encryption owncloud adds an additional layer of security to the files. It permits users and groups administration, the file can be shared with Read/Write permissions between users and group. As own cloud is a open source it also has an enterprise edition that mostly used for business. By using owncloud we have to create a public link also set read-write permission for the file and any one can access the file without login to owncloud.

The owncloud server is written in PHP and java script scripting languages it work with several database management systems including SQLite, MariaDB, MySQL, Oracle Database, and PostgreSQL.

Installing own cloud on an Ubuntu 18. 04

STEP 1 : Install Apache2

Need to install Apache web server on Ubuntu server

sudo apt install apache2

After the apache installation, disable directory listing on apache

a2dismod autoindex

Then enable some apache modules for the proper working

sudo a2enmod rewrite
		sudo a2enmod headers
		sudo a2enmod env
		sudo a2enmod dir
		sudo a2enmod mime

We need to restart the apache to take the changes

sudo systemctl restart apache2

STEP 2 : Installing maria db server

Then we need to install mariaDb server in it

sudo apt-get install  mariadb-server mariadb-client

And we need to run the following command for the secure installation of mariadb

sudo mysql_secure_installation

Here we have set:

A strong password for the root user of the mariadb

remove anonymous users

disallow root login remotely

also remove test database

Then create a owncloud database user and password

Login to mariadb server

sudo mysql -u root -p

Then follow the commands bellow:


CREATE USER ‘oc_user’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘PASSWOR’;

GRANT ALL ON owncloud.* TO ‘oc_user’ @’localhost’ IDENTIFIED 


STEP 3 : Install PHP

We need to install PHP 7.1 for owncloud

sudo apt-get install software-propertires-common

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php

sudo apt update

sudo apt install php7.1

Also we need to install the related PHP modules

sudo apt-get install php7.1-cli php7.1-common php7.1-mbstring php7.1-gd php7.1-intl php7.1-xml php7.1-mysql php7.1-zip php7.1-curl php7.1-xmlrpc

We need to adjust some default values of PHP settings for Owncloud

Edit the ‘php.ini’ file with an editor.

sudo vim /etc/php/7.1/apache2/php.ini

Change the values of corresponding lines below

    1. file_uploads = On
    2. allow_url_fopen = On
    3. memory_limit = 256M
    4. upload_max_file_size = 100M

Restart the apache

sudo systemctl restart apache2

STEP 4 : Download the latest OwnCloud

Download the latest version of owncloud in tmp directory

cd /tmp 


Unzip ‘’ file in the same directory


Move the unziped file to a new directory under the root folder of your web site

sudo mv owncloud /var/www/html/owncloud/

STEP 5 : Set proper permission and ownership for the directory

Then set the following directory permission / ownership

sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/owncloud/

 sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/owncloud/

STEP 6 : Finally visit the server URL

Visit: http://ipadress/owncloud
Give admin user name and password, & configure the database by giving database name, user name, and password values

configuring the database in Owncloud.

And click ‘finishing setup’
You will get a dashboard after the login of owncloud like:

finishing setup in OWN CLOUD


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