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IjasOct. 3, 2019



To begin with, in its most basic form, Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the idea of everyday physical items being interconnect to each other and the internet. Common examples include television, lights and air-conditions. When they power by the internet, you can control them remotely using, say, an app on your Smartphone. Of all the emerging technologies,the Internet of Things (IoT) is projected to have the greatest impact on the industrial economy. The IoT Box is a small device that allows you to use the same industry standard USB POS peripherals on every device (PC, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android ). Not only does it makes the setup easier, it actually lowers your costs. Odoo is disrupting the ERP community by jumping into IoT (Internet of Things) technology. The new Odoo IoT module turns the software into an out-of-the-box solution with IoT integration.

The purpose of using IoT (Internet Of Things) box by odoo

Additionally, the IoT box, designed to connect gadgets to the core platform, extends the reach of ERP software to an even wider audience and with increasing capabilities. With this innovation, Odoo has accelerate its market acquisition of mid-size enterprises and also help smaller businesses get on board.

For an enterprise to gain benefits, they need to collect and store the data somewhere it can be used functionally. The ERP system is the best solution since it is the centralized platform the business uses for its activities. With the right data connected to the right processes, companies can take advantage of the Internet of things, and the Odoo IoT module accomplishes just this.

What are the main benefits of IOT ? Why is it an opportunity for your business ?

There are three main interests of using connected devices:-

Firstly, higher productivity will be obtain by doing more things in less time. Increase in quality of some of your processes. Since machines are better at some tasks than humans and also finally you can collect more data at very good quality. That is, taking in real-time and that can be share immediately across the entire company. The interest of having those good data is to take better decisions in the company.

With odoo the IOT technology is really integrate to your business flows. They are not just collecting data that you don’t have to transfer into another systems. They are not adding extra steps to your current work. IOT will really be part of your day to day business and day to day activity.



IOT box is a small box that contains the RaspBerry Pi. So, it is a tiny computer that will allow the communication between your database and the different devices that you have.

So the box will be connect to your database using an Ethernet cable or with Wi-Fi connection. And as you can see on the above picture, you can have several IOT boxes to be connect to a single database. Then you will have to connect the devices to the box. And this will be done with USB,Bluetooth HDMI or with Wi-Fi.

So the first step in installing the IOT in your own odoo database, is to connect the devices to the box. If you are using USB or HDMI devices you just have to plug the cables into the box. If you are using blue-tooth you have to make sure that it is active on your device, before starting the box. So, it will be detect by the IOT box. And if you are using wi-fi, you have to make sure that you got connect to the same Wi-Fi network. So the device and the box both will be on the same Wi-Fi network.


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