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Odoo Human Resource Management

Odoo Human Resource Management

Muhammed AliJune 4, 2019

Hr Management IN Odoo

Human resource management(HRM) is the strategic approach to the effective management of people in an organization, so that they help the business to gain a competitive advantage. HR management in odoo helps you to manage all your human resource operations. This blog explains the concept of odoo hr management in detail.

Human Resources Software is used by businesses to combine numerous HR functions, such as storing employee data, employee relations, payrolls and benefits, recruitment processes, benefits administration, and record keeping. It ensures everyday Human resources processes are manageable and easy to access. In Odoo, human resource module efficiently manages Employee details, Time and Attendance, Salary, Leaves, Expenses, Recruitment and Employee evaluation.A company's effectiveness depends on its employees' good work. Open ERP's Human Resources modules enable you to manage important aspects of staff work efficiently, such as their skills, contracts, and working time.

In an organization, the HRM is starting with the recruitment of an employee. You can easily manage your hiring process and organise your vacancies job applications in odoo with the help recruitment module. By customizing your recruitment process you can create your own hiring strategies, and define stages and interviewers. Therefore, odoo hr management will definitely help you to handle the human resources department.

Odoo HR management has the concept of build as you go to give you the maximum flexibility to manage your company. You can install following modules based on your company needs. The following modules can cope with almost every scenario for your employee management:

  • Recruitment - Manage your hiring process and organize your vacancies job applications.
  • Employees - Gather all pertinent information about an employee under one place.
  • Leaves - Manage holidays, legal leaves and sick days.
  • Surveys - Define your own online/offline surveys.Set up periodical employee evaluation and strengthen your company's key asset.
  • Expenses - Easily manage employee expenses and save time on expense reports.
  • Attendances - Keep track of your employees attendance.HR managers can easily report employees monthly/daily attendance with the menu entry and state.
  • Time sheets - Create weekly and monthly time sheets and also track the time spent by your employees on projects assigned.
  • Payroll - Set up salary rules to compute data like allowances, net, taxes, contribution registers.These are seamless connected so that you can easily initiate your desired actions without having to jump to specific modules, every feature is perfectly integrated.

some modules which cope with HR management in odoo are detailed here.


In Odoo, Recruitment module helps a company to recruit employees.

Recruitment module in Odoo HRm

From the following screen you can create and edit the Stages, Tags, Degrees, Job Positions, Source of Applicants and Departments of the jobs by clicking Create and Edit button in every screen. Then Click on Save button to save the details.

In All Applications under the ‘Applications’ menu allows the firm to track individual applications of positions, which can be in one of the defined stages at any point in time.

You can go to the specific position to check the applications on each stage. And switch to calendar view, list view etc. to better analyse and create a new application.

Also you can modify the applications which directly come from website. Here you can give stars to the applicants, can see the documents, next action to remind you on which date to follow up, input expected salary & proposed salary, applicants availability, set up meetings, start interview, or go further stage into contract proposal. Odoo is super flexible and provide smooth flow to let you work on your recruitment.

Details of of the applicants in odoo hr management

In this screen you can see the Resumes and Letters of the applicants by clicking Resumes and Letters.

Details of the applicants in odoo hr management

By clicking Reports you will get an analysis of the recruitment process.

Option for getting reports in odoo hr management.

Stages defining recruitment stages, such as first interview, second interview, etc.

Stages defining recruitment stages in Odoo HRM

Tags are simple keywords that helps provide context to job postings.

Tags are simple keywords that helps provide context to job postings.

Degrees can also be defined in this area, which can be assigned to applications.

Degrees can also be defined in this area,which can be assigned to applications.

Job positions can be defined,where a position can be for a specific department.

Defining Job positions for each departments in Odoo hrm

Source of Applicants can be defined and tracked, such as company website, face book etc.

Defining Source of Applicants in Odoo hr management.

Departments have total forecaster employee count and expected employee count in recruitment.

HR manager can stop and launch recruitment for any position.


After hiring employees, you can manage information's of employees in Employees module. You can choose to publish employee public information into your website to let the visitors know better about your team and spirit. Add tags and Contract type to help you remember the role and character of each employee.

In the Employees module of HR management in Odoo you can see the company's employees and their details. To Create an employee click Create button from the Employees screen.

Employees module of HR management in Odoo

Now you will get the following screen.

Employee details in Odoo

From this screen add Employee’s name, Public information's such as work address, department, job position etc, Private information's and any other information's about the employee. Click Save button to save the new employee into the system.

Contracts manages track of your employees’ status, job titles, contract type and dates, and their schedule.

track of employees

You can specify the salary structure and basic wage of an employee in salary information tab.

salary structure of an employee

Then the duration, working schedule and scheduled pay can specify in other information tab.

duration, working schedule and scheduled pay

The Departments menu shows you the list of department wise employees.

list of department wise employees can get from odoo hr management.

Employee Tags and Contract Types helps you to remember the role and character of each employee.

Employee Tags and Contract Types helps you to remember the role and character of each employee.

Contract type of employee


Leaves module helps you to manage the leaves of all employee.

Leaves module in odoo hr management

Here in the screen you can see the leave details of employees in the basis of day,week and month.

The Leaves Summary will displays the employees summary of leaves. Each employee will see the leave for themselves, but HR managers will see an overview of all leave types from all employees.

Leaves Summary displays the employees summary of leaves.

You can request for a leave in the Leaves Request under the ‘My Leaves’ menu. In this select the date which you going to take leave and fill the fields in the following screen and click on the Save button.

Leaves Request in Odoo hr management

Leave requests cannot be done without approved allocations with sufficient days remaining.

In the following screen shows the current allocations requests, and their status.

Leave allocations requests

To create a new allocation request use the Create button. An Allocation Request includes allocation details,days allocated,and type of leave for this allocation.Create a new allocation request

Then Save the new allocation request.HR managers will be able to Approve allocation requests.


Surveys can be used in many modules for collecting user feed backs to improve your services or product, gathering basic employee information for your recruitment, sending forms to get answers to your designed questions and so on. It is also formed as part of the job position, and positions are assigned to applications, the applications therefore knows which survey to do for the given application.

Inside survey, you can define different stages to help for organize your work.

Option for defining different stages to help for organizing your work in Odoo HR management

By clicking Create button you can create more surveys based on your needs.

create more surveys

From this screen, you can define title for the survey, create pages with questions you have, under each question you can choose type, set error message, set mandatory or optional answer allowed by clicking Add an item. After creating the survey do the following steps too.

  1. Design your survey - Will be taken into website
  2. Test your survey – Will test how it looks
  3. Share your survey - Share the survey form to anyone outside of the organizations or check basic data from back end view.
  4. collect data and statistics from your survey - Will check answers and status of how people react to your surveys to make decisions from front end.

Here you can see your survey answers under the Answers menu. Then the Pages, Questions, Labels and User Input Lines are the survey pages, survey questions, survey question labels and details of survey which is inputted by a user respectively.


Expenses is a very obvious part for end-users to submit expenses, then let superiors approve or refuse. Accountant can create expense reports to repay employee.

You can create new expense based on your business, select or create new expense account for your accounting.

Create new expense account

When you click on Create button you will get the following screen.

View of expense screen.

After creating an expense description Click Save button.

In Expenses module you can see the Refused Reports and Expense Reports. Also you can see the expense reports to approve, post and pay.


In companies, staff have to check in when they arrive at work and check out again at the end of the day. Once each employee has been linked to a system user, they can check in by clicking on the icon like in the following screen.

By using Odoo Attendances an employee can easily check-in and check-out with a simple interface, one click to check-in and one click to check-out.

By using Odoo Attendances, an employee can easily check-in and check-out with a simple interface.

employee check-in with a simple interface

employee's option to check-out with a simple interface

employee check-out with a simple interface

Then these data will be recorded in the system. So that you can see in ‘Attendances’ under ‘Manage Attendances’ menu.

View of Attendances based on odoo hr management.

If an employee has forgotten to check out on leaving, the system proposes that they check out manually and type in the time that they left when they come in again the next day. This gives you a simple way of managing forgotten check-outs. Under Manage Attendances,you have access to the employees overview page.

Select one employee from the Employees list and click on Attendance.

Attendance of each employee view.

Now you can see the attendance details of the employee, from this select one which want to edit.

choose employee to edit attendance

Then you will get the following screen. Click Edit to edit the details.


After editing the details click Save button.

save edited-attendance of employee in odoo hrm

By using Kiosk Mode you can enable the manual attendance logging by selecting the employee. you need to add a unique pin to create a employee form. Employees requires this pin code employees to check in to Kiosk mode. This feature enables privacy and misuse of logging's.

To know the unique pin of an employee, select an employee from ‘Employees’ under Manage attendances menu.

Know the unique pin of an employee from Manage attendances menu in odoo hrm

Select HR Settings. In this screen you can see the PIN.

PIN of employee

Then select the Kiosk Mode and select an employee by clicking the button Select Employee.

Kiosk Mode selection

Once you click the button you can see the employees list. Select one employee from the list.employees list view

Then you can see screen to enter the pin. Enter the employee pin and and click OK


Once you enter the pin you will get the following screen.

Screen-after-entering-pin odoo hr

Time sheets

The employees will make time sheet entries each day.  At the end of the defined period, employees validate their sheet and the manager must then approve his team’s entries. The periods which are defined in the company forms can be set to run monthly, weekly or daily.

Employee's each day time sheet entries.

You can create a new time sheet by clicking Create button.

Create new time sheet

After filling the fields click Save button.

Then you can see ‘All Time Sheets’ under the ‘Time Sheet menu’.

View of All Time Sheets under timesheet menu of odoo hr

Now you can see the time sheet reporting under the Reporting menu.

View of time sheet reporting under the Reporting menu

In the time sheets, you can combine attendances into time sheet reports and manage employees check in and check out.

Manage-time sheets in-time sheet menu

You can also track Costs and Revenues under Reporting menu.

track Costs and Revenues in reporting menu


In Odoo, Payroll module can set up salary rules to compute data like allowances,net, taxes,contribution registers which contain to whom the company or the employee have to pay taxes,structures to define a set of rules to apply to a category of employees and define salary structure hierarchy,setup contract advantage template for various compensation.

You can also create payslips, do monthly payroll register using payroll module. After generating and confirming payslip will create a journal entry on Accounts. So the Odoo Payroll system has to  integrated with the Accounting module,

To generate a payslip for the employee, you have to set up the contract with salary structure which done in Employees module.

Click Create button to create a new payslip in the Employee Payslips screen.

create a new payslip in the Employee Payslips screen of odoo hr

Add the fields in the following screen and click Save to save the payslip.

save the payslip

The following screen shows you an example of a payslip.

Worked days & inputs tab list out the total worked hours according to the working schedule selected on contract.

example of a payslip

Salary and computation tab list out the computations done on slip according to the salary structure and salary rules.

computations done on salary slip

Details By Salary Rule Category tab detail the salary computations in according to the rule category.

salary computation details

After the conformation of payslip you will be able to see the information about the accounting in the Accounting information tab.

accounting details

You can generate payslip for a batch of employees. It is under the Payslips batches menu.You can create payslip as batches using this feature.

payslip-generation for a batch of employees

Payslip batches in odoo hrm

Add the fields and click Save button.

To compute the payslip salary structures are used, which is a collection of set of rules. Moreover, you can use a single structure for particular departments, or for other categories.

By inheriting salary structures you can use extra rules for particular employees.

inheriting salary structures

The base structure includes the Basic, Gross, Unpaid and Net salary rules

Salary Rule Categories define the computation of salary amount of different category. That can be of Basic, Allowance, Deduction, Gross, Net, Company Contribution.

Salary Rule Categories define the computation of salary amount of different category.

Salary Rules is the set of rules which define the computation of salary amount. The sequence of the rule displayed on the payslip and unique code that used for future calculations can  specify here.

Salary Rules define the computation of salary amount

Contribution Registers is the register which contains to whom the company or the employee have to pay taxes.

Contribution Registers

Contract Advantage Template will manage the contract.

Contract Advantage Template

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