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Odoo 13 Implementation


Jils GeorgeDec. 4, 2019


Odoo is one of the most user-friendly and highly customizable ERP software. It is an all-in-one ERP software that is well suited for any small and medium size businesses. Odoo offers a wide range of business applications that form a complete suite of enterprise management application. Per day Odoo gets update and also the contributions it offers the world is amazing. Now, the latest version of Odoo is Odoo 13. It was released on the 4th October of 2019. Odoo 13 cause a major change in the Odoo world. Odoo 13 brings many new exciting features in addition to Odoo 12. Implementation of Odoo 13 is very easy.

In Odoo 13, some of the modules from Odoo 12 Enterprise Edition is move on to the Community Edition and also vice-versa. That is, the modules like Sale Coupon and Promotion Program, Website Form Builder are move on from Enterprise to the Community Edition.Likewise the Human Resource Payroll is move on from Community to Enterprise Edition. These are some of the changes in Odoo 13 when compared to the previous versions. Like Odoo, Odoo 13 implementation is simple. Odoo 13 can be easily implemented and configured. Now, let's see Why and How Odoo 13 implementation takes place.

An Odoo ERP implementation partner.

Odoo 13 Implementation ?

As we know Odoo Implementation is nothing, but the service of implementing the Odoo modules. Implementing the Odoo modules will not work efficiently if the configuration is not perfect. That is, for implementation to be successful, the configuration should be perfect. Implementation is the base of all further services. It is good to take the help of an ERP implementation partner, because for a successful Odoo ERP implementation there are certain areas to be taken into consideration. Odoo 13 offers a new way for its users with better options and functionalities.

The new features in Odoo 13 provides new opportunities for the Odoo users to improve and make it better. A successful ERP implementation partner can make it very easy and simple. Technaureus, an Odoo ERP Implementation partner is completely aware of the significance of Odoo implementation in this digitized world of Odoo ERP implementation. Moreover, Technaureus offer trustful implementation services which can reach your business to further heights.

As Odoo is one of the fastest evolving open source software in the market, it offers immense features to its users. Apart from that Technaureus also offer services such as Odoo 13 Customization, Odoo 13 Integration, Odoo 13 Migration, Odoo 13 Training and Odoo 13 Support. Technaureus also offers many exciting Odoo Apps and which offers exciting features to their users. Being a successful Odoo ERP Implementation partner, they are completely aware of the significance of odoo implementation in this competitive world of erp implementation.

Odoo 13 Implementation


Technaureus acts as one of the best trusted erp implementation partner consistently serving efficient implementation in Odoo erp. Whatever your business needs, our Odoo ERP implementation & Customization will help you to set up your business operations in a astounding manner.


What Technaureus Offers :

♠We provide 24/7 service.

♠We have experience in Community, Enterprise and Editions.

♠Experience from version 5.0 to the latest.

♠Experienced Business Analysts and Consultants.

♠Dedicated functional and Technical point of contact.

♠Quality Deliverables and support.

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