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Lunch Module In Odoo

Lunch Module In Odoo

Sahdiya MammoottyOct. 1, 2019

Lunch Module

Lunch management is to manage employees lunch time, ordering meals etc. Some times company will provide employees luncheon. In such cases, companies need to manage Luncheon time and food. Lunch module in odoo is one of the simplest modules in odoo.

Why Lunch Module Is Needed In Business ?

In a small scale industry lunch management is not that much trouble . But in high scale business industry lunch management is a key factor. Because managing these things( ordering meals, time schedule, food allowance etc...) for huge employees are little bit tough. In such case, Lunch management is introduced.

In odoo, Lunch module is one of the modules. Here it is to manage Lunch by truncating time for management and easiness.

First of all, install the Lunch Module from the App list.

lunch module

After the Installation, there will be a new menu called “Lunch” Configuration.

Create product list( Example: pizza, burgers, pasta etc….) by tapping create button.

lunch→ configuration → product



Sometimes the employees will forget to order food items and cause many delays due to that, in order to avoid that we can create alerts which avoid any delays caused by late ordering and all.

Lunch → configuration → alerts


Make a new order by tapping new order icon from dashboard.

Go to My Lunch ->New order


Now we can see that the Alert is been showing in the order. The user can see the balance in his account from the balance button. And now we can select the products that we want to order and create a note for each product if need. And the price will be automatically add on. Then save the order. If you want to set a budget for your order, click on Feeling Lucky Button and enable I'm not feeling rich Button and set the Budget and select the vendors. Then click on I am feeling lucky after that you can see the products which have a price less than your budget you can add these products to your order.

balancebutton-lunch module

Order View

After the User has created his order the manager can view all the orders of today and see the order by the vendor after that he can order the meals and receive the meals.

vendororder-lunch module

If receive, the products expense will be add on to each user’s account. And also there is an option to set payment for the orders. Go to Employee Payments and create a new payment.

createnewpayment-lunch module

This amount will be visible from balance button, while user create an order. After receiving a lunch, balance amount deducted automatically.

balanceamnt-lunch module

The manager can view and also manage all user accounts by going to Control accounts. That’s all about the lunch module and this is a use-full module to manage daily lunch orders for any kind of organization.

Here, meals receive from vendors will be access to users according to their privileges.

privileges-lunch module

ODOO Lunch module will manage luncheon easily and make an order for food and payment which will be  directly through company accounts. Employees salary will be cutoff by deducting luncheon amount. Sometimes employees have a food coupon(coupon amount is add at employee payment section ) from the company. In such a case lunch amount will be directly cut off from their coupon amount.


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