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Live Chat In Odoo

Live Chat In Odoo

AdhithSept. 9, 2019

Odoo Live Chat

Live chat offers personalized customer experience, better brand interaction, a competitive edge, and a way to feel your customers pulse. Implementing live chat solution for your business is beneficial for all customer journeys and also across your marketing, sales, and customer support teams. Odoo Live Chat tool lets you chat with your customers and give them real-time support round-the-clock.

To use live chat service in odoo first of all we need to install the live chat module by :

apps->Live Chat

instal-live chat

If your website is create with odoo then the live chat will be automatically add on to your website. Otherwise you need to do something to support live chat feature.

To enable Odoo live chat service :

website->configuration->settings->Live Chat->channel to be linked to the website.

enable-live chat

If your website is not create with odoo then you may use the live chat service with the help of the following URL. You just send it to the clients and thus clients will use the live chat service.

url-live chat


Hide chat based on visitor location

Depending on where you do business you may not want all your visitors to be able to chat with you. Targeted chat provides us with an easy way to hide the chatbox depending on where your visitors are located.

In odoo it is handle by :

livechat->channels->channel rules

channel-live chat


Create automatic message

Use automatic messages to manage consumer expectations as they await an agent response, while saving your agents time and effort. Automatic or system messages are messages that will be trigger automatically during a chat or messaging conversation to inform visitors of the status of the conversation.

You can prepare automatic messages by :




Publish on your website

In order to start chatting with customers, first make sure that the channel will be publish on your website. To do so, select Unpublished on Website on the top right corner of the channel form to toggle the Published setting. Then, the live chat can begin once an operator has joined the channel.



Canned messages

Canned messages are predefined message, that can be quickly recalled through a shortcut. In Live Chat you simply use a hash sign followed by the name assigned to the canned response

In odoo we can handle canned messages by :

Live Chat->Canned Responses->



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