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What is Django Class based views?

Django class

JyothisMarch 27, 2024

What is Django Class based views?

In Django, views are the heart of user interaction. They handle incoming HTTP requests, process them, and generate the appropriate response. Django provides two main ways to craft these views: function-based views (FBVs) and class-based views (CBVs). This blog delves into both approaches, exploring their strengths, weaknesses, and the ideal scenarios for each.

Function-Based Views: The Familiar Friend

FBVs are the traditional approach in Django. They're simple Python functions that take an HttpRequest object as their first argument and return an HttpResponse object. This makes them easy to grasp, especially for beginners. Here's an FBV example that displays a greeting:

def greet(request):

name = request.GET.get('name', 'World')

return render(request, 'greet.html', {'name': name})

This function retrieves a "name" parameter from the GET request (defaulting to "World" if absent) and renders it in a template named "greet.html." FBVs excel in handling straightforward logic or one-off functionalities. However, their limitations become apparent in complex scenarios:

  • Repetitive Code: If a view involves multiple HTTP methods (GET, POST, etc.) or shares functionalities with other views, you end up writing similar code blocks repeatedly, violating the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle.

  • Conditional Clutter: Handling different HTTP methods within an FBV often requires complex conditional statements, making the code less readable and harder to maintain.

Class-Based Views: The Organized Champion

CBVs leverage Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) to structure your views. They define views as classes that inherit from Django's built-in view classes. This approach promotes code reusability and cleaner organization.

Here's a CBV that achieves the same greeting functionality as the FBV:


from django.views import View



class GreetView(View):

def get(self, request):

name = request.GET.get('name', 'World')

return render(request, 'greet.html', {'name': name})


This CBV defines a get method to handle GET requests. Django's View class provides various methods for different HTTP methods.

Hooking up class-based views in the file is a little different too:


from django.urls import path,include

from .views import GreetView

urlpatterns = [

path('greet/', GreetView.as_view(), name='greet'),]

CBVs offer several advantages over FBVs:

  • Reusability: By inheriting from generic CBVs or creating custom CBVs, you can avoid code duplication for common functionalities like handling forms or object deletion. Imagine having a base CBV class with logic for form validation, and then inheriting from it to create specific views for different forms – clean and efficient!

  • Organization: CBVs group related logic within a class, making your code more modular and easier to understand. Separating concerns like request handling and template rendering improves code maintainability.

  • Mixins: Django offers mixins, which are reusable class components that provide specific functionalities. You can combine mixins with CBVs to achieve complex logic without cluttering your code. Imagine a mixin that handles user authentication across multiple views – a powerful tool for modularity.

Choosing the Right Weapon: FBVs vs. CBVs

While CBVs offer significant advantages, FBVs remain a valuable tool. Here's a guideline to help you decide which approach to use:

  • Simple Logic or One-Off Functionalities: When dealing with straightforward logic or views that won't be reused, FBVs are a great choice due to their simplicity.

  • Complex Views with Multiple HTTP Methods: For views involving multiple HTTP methods or handling forms, CBVs shine due to their organization and ability to leverage mixins for common functionalities.

  • CRUD Operations on Models: Django provides generic CBVs specifically designed for handling CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) on models. These pre-built CBVs promote clean and efficient code for common database interactions.

Remember, the best approach depends on your project's specific needs and your comfort level with OOP concepts. Don't be afraid to experiment with both FBVs and CBVs to find the right fit for your Django views.


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