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3-Way Matching in Odoo 14

3-Way Matching

MeghaJan. 4, 2021

In business, each company has to pay its bills, but if they don’t want problems with their partners, we will have to wait until the delivery is complete for paying them. To define a bill is paid or not we use the method of “3 way matching in Odoo 14”. In this method, the database will compare the information from purchase order, receipts and vendor bills to know whether we should pay or supply. It also prevent the customers for paying fake vendor bills. The three-way matching function in Odoo is configured to run the operations of purchase, receipt, and the generations of the bills to the vendors to be configured in operation. 

Steps involved in 3-Way Matching

First we need to install the Purchase module, we can now see the dashboard of purchase module.

Odoo Purchase

We need to go to Configuration Menu, select Settings option and activate/enable the “3-way matching” option.

3-way matching in Odoo 14

After activate/enable the option of 3-way matching, data appears in vendor bills, specifying whether the bill should be paid or not.

We have 3 possible values:

  1. Yes: you should pay the bill and you have received the products.
  2. No: you have not pay the bill and you should not receive the ordered products.
  3. Exception: there is a difference between ordered, billed and received quantities. Therefore, We can also set it manually.

Now we can create a Request for Quotation (RFQ), add vendor, GST treatment, add product, quantity etc.

Go to product form, in the purchase tab, also ensure that the product control policy is based on received quantity.

3-way matching in Odoo 14

After entering the details we can save and confirm the order. You can see the status has been changed from RFQ to Purchase Order.

3-way matching in Odoo 14

we can receive the products by clicking on the “RECEIVE PRODUCTS” button and validate it.

3-way matching in Odoo 14

Go back to the purchase order and create a bill by clicking on the “CREATE BILL” button.

3-way matching in Odoo 14

In the other Information tab, we shall see status of the bill “should be paid” is “YES”.

3-way matching in Odoo 14

From this we can understand that the bill is created for the received quantity of products.

3-Way Matching in Odoo 14

The demand quantity, received quantity and billed quantity are same.

We can see how the No Case comes

Create a Request for quotation, add vendor, product, GST treatment, quantity etc. and click save and confirm the order.

3-way matching in Odoo 14

Before receiving the product we can create a bill by, clicking on “CREATE BILL” button.

3-way matching in Odoo 14

Only by receiving products we will be able to create a bill

We can see how Exception Case comes.

Create a Request for Quotation, add vendor, product, GST treatment, quantity etc. and click save and confirm the order.

3-way matching in Odoo 14

Now we can receive the products by clicking on “RECEIVE PRODUCTS” button and validate it by clicking on “VALIDATE BUTTON”.

3-way matching in Odoo 14

Go back to purchase order and we can create a bill of quantity 8 and click on save.

3-way matching in Odoo 14

In the Other Info tab you can see the status automatically “should be paid” is “Exception.”

3-way matching in Odoo 14

We shall receive the product in a quantity and bill the product in different quantity.

This is how 3-way matching works in odoo 14.

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